Charity Website

Charity Website

A brief overview of our work for Bundles of Hope based in Long Eaton, Nottingham. Helping them design and develop a new Community Initiative Charity Website.

Charity Website Requirements

It seems to be a bit of a secret, however it isn’t, at Vimana Digital we build websites free of charge for small registered charities.

Bundles of Hope are in the same local community to Vimana Digital so we reached out to them. We offered to design them a brand new charity website for free, no strings attached.

For the front-end the website needs to be suitable for all ages, fun and engaging. Donation options and more should be included.

Building the Website

Before making a new website we want to consolidate as much content as possible. We gave the website some graphic design features and Bundles of Hope kindly supplied the content for us to implement. 

Consolidating Website Content
Web Design Progress 20%

The website has a mix of imagery and graphic design illustrations. As this is a microsite there is no need for a large amount of imagery. We went to Bundles of Hope and took a few of our own pics. The website is more enducational than visual.

Imagery and Photography
Web Design Progress 40%
Donation Options

Bundles of Hope is a community based initiative which provides opportunities for families of preschool children to access clothing, shoes, nappies and wipes free of charge. They rely on the good will of the community to be able to give donations, this needed to be clear to understand on the website.

Donation Options
Web Design Progress 60%

The overall aesthetic of the website is clear and trustworthy. and has a friendly feel suitable for all ages. The website is designed in a way that it will age very well without many changes and is fully mobile responsive.

Website User Experience
Web Design Progress 80%
Contact Details

If you would like to donate to Bundles of Hope, please head over to their website. The work they do there is amazing and they would massively appreciate any support given.

Wrapping Up With Finishing Touches
Web Design Progress 100%